Technivo Insight
The Water Puzzle
With water now being a precious resource, how does the data centre industry continue to grow and operate whilst using water wisely and responsibly? We take a look at the various considerations and innovations on offer.
Location, Location, Location!
Speed and service aren’t the only factors in how and where data centres are built. Brand new, cutting-edge technology bound to the re-thinking of the environmental challenges of locations have helped companies adapt and innovate.
Data Security
The UK government has closed its new data security consultation, having asked the data centre industry to contribute ideas and information which will help the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to enhance its £2.6 billion National Cyber Strategy, launched last year.
Technivo & Post-Build Cleans
The data centre building boom we are experiencing relies upon excellent support and teams of professionals dedicated to getting critical IT infrastructure up and running to schedule. Technivo are part of that dynamic.
The Hot Topic: Data Centre Sustainability
Data centres are vital infrastructure which serve companies and government agencies – but together they use up more energy than the collective households of an entire medium-sized European country! Data centres are embedded in our lives, and their growth presents us with both an environmental and an economic challenge: how can we make these facilities more sustainable without sacrificing their function? Well, the only way is collectively.
A Peek into Data Centre World 2022
Data Centre World, one of the most important events in the calendar of data centre professionals, is being hosted at the London Excel on 2nd March. Attendees will include business leaders, engineers, and professionals from across the industry, all looking out for innovations and developments heralding the ‘next big thing’.
Working with Facilities Management
Technivo’s most critical partnerships are with any given site’s facilities management team.
On Target For 2022
For the forthcoming year we have a clear path. The busy end to 2021 augurs an incoming period of increased activity for us.
Ending 2021 On A High Note
While all around the world, 2021 has been another challenging year in many industries, we at Technivo feel we can end the year satisfied with the gains we have made.
UN COP26: Glasgow – What it signals to business
As events start up in Glasgow in anticipation of the start of the UN summit on climate change mitigation strategies, we ask ourselves what it may mean for businesses, what we’ll be expected to do differently, and what it’ll mean for the interaction and cooperation between businesses.
International Operations
Technivo has been operating outside the UK for some time. We have been supplying cleaning services alongside data centre construction across the EU with great success. Our services for international companies’ planned maintenance are in demand!
Five Steps to Working with Technivo
Working with Technivo is easy whether you’re looking for a long-term technical cleaning partner or a one-off supplier. Here’s a snapshot showing how the process works.
Tech Cleaning by Robot: Coming Soon?
Technivo are leading the field with the development of automated task management systems. Read on to learn how helping our people do their job more effectively will make your business more efficient.
Technical Cleaning: A Dummies’ Guide
If you’re new to technical cleaning you probably have some questions. Want to know the two questions we get asked all the time?
Don’t Take Our Word For It…
At Technivo we’re proud of the fact that we’ve never lost a client through a service-related issue. Here’s what some of our clients say about us.
A Lot More Than Just Cleaning Your Phones…
Cleaning IT equipment like phones and desktop computers has always been a part of our business but we do much more: here’s a quick round-up of what we do for our clients today.
Never Mind Sea-Bed Cable-Cutting – it’s Dust That’s The Real Problem
Keeping data safe and secure is an increasingly important issue for all of us, but the media are missing the point when they focus on the stories about hackers and spies. We explain why the real challenge is right under our noses…
Getting It Right – Ten Tips For Choosing Your Next Technical Cleaning Supplier Partner
Time to change tech cleaning suppliers? Read our handy guide to choosing your next partner.
Trends In Data Centre Management
Technivo CEO Nick Powis on future developments in Data Centre management.
Staff Spotlight: It’s The People That Make The Difference
It’s a people business: how Technivo put the right people at front and centre of their business to give you a better service.